Monday, September 9, 2013

The "What Will I Wear!?" Guide for Portraits

"Where should we do portraits?" has a little sister called "How do we coordinate attire?". Since I've been asked this question so often, it's time to create an easy access answer you can take with you to your closet. This info applies to any type of photo shoot, although for babies I recommend no bold colors for parents (stick to whites, grays and pastels), because bold and bright tends to draw attention away from babies.

Before we get to my fun color concoctions, let's review the Don'ts of portrait attire planning:

Do Not wear super narrow stripes or thin plaids - they often register weird in digital photography, sometimes creating the illusion of contours where you don't want them.

Do Not wear super short skirts/shorts - IF you want picking-up, twirling around or sitting-on-interesting-things shots without posing limitation. Rule: If he can pick you up in a cradle hold and you don't have to grab at your skirt to try to cover your butt, you're good.

The major DO is: DO wear what feels like YOU. Go casual or formal, it's up to you.

Now for color scheme ideas! These arrangements were created by me, but please get inspired to incorporate colors and textures which speak to you.

Gem Tones

With the exception of Christmas colors (don't), bold, bright tones found in gemstones are rich and beautiful. Class it up with these, especially for an urban backdrop.

Monotone Multi-Shade 

Multiple shades of the same color. How fun would all greens in a forest be if you're a nature lovin' sort? Or all blues in a forest if you want to pop out from nature? Cuz you're awesome like that.


Classic. Just don't do plaid with stripes, it's an either/or scenario. Light grey goes with pretty much anything.

Trendy Melon

Thank you, Target, for creating this eye-pleasing pair of colors which reminiscent of cantaloupe and honeydew. Also in the category is mint. I threw ice cream in there because it'd be cool to don these colors and go out for a towering mint chocolate chip ice cream cone.

As a designer, I'm a color-holic too. Checking out paint chip swatches is like going to a candy store for me.

Color + Location + Personality = Great Photos

If you pull any one of those factors out, it's a one-third weaker photo. The colors you choose need to coordinate and say "YOU" at the same time they compliment or add meaning to your location. If we can coordinate that and also throw in a coordinating prop to enhance the fun, you'll have some pretty stunning, color-popping portraits.

If you need further fashion cues, seek inspiration from ensembles found in Gap, Express, Forever21 or Urban Outfitters ads. Or whatever store floats your boat.