Thursday, July 19, 2012

Good Works: Locks of Love

This endeavor has been a long time coming! With a skimpy amount of patience, I finally grew my hair longer than it's ever been before to attain the minimum 10 inches required for a donation to Locks of Love. On July 18th, I had just enough for the cut. Doesn't look like it due to my curl, but it's all there!

It was a mini sacrifice; one throughout which I learned to push aside my own vanity in order to do some good for someone in need. Anyone with long hair knows what an emotional attachment it is, and although I loved the novelty of my own lengthy locks and enjoyed the style very much for myself, I often came to empathize with those who not only don't have a beautiful head of hair to brush and style every day, but physically cannot have such a thing. I felt it more significant to empathize with the underprivileged, the young kids suffering of cancer causing hair to fall out from chemotherapy or other diseases preventing normal growth, than to pine over how wonderful my own long hair was.

Throughout my growth, I consistently had the mindset that my locks were just temporary. I appreciated people's comments on how beautiful it looked long, but I knew this was also a materialistic and temporary thoughtscape; a concept which would never physically last forever.

I constantly thought about those underprivileged kids with diseases. Adolescence is one of the most difficult times in a person's life, and all a kid wants is to be "normal" and fit in with her peers. I understood that losing a suitable hairstyle for me who can easily regrow my own hair was a justifiable process in order to provide some child looking at a bald head in the mirror every day with a curly, strawberry brown prosthetic for her to fling around and style any way she wants. Although I won't get to see that child getting excited about wearing the hair I've donated to her, the cause still excites me endlessly.

I've been inspired. I considered consistently growing out and cutting my hair for Locks of Love throughout my life, but I simply don't have the patience to grow it that long again. Instead!, the motion I've decided to work through Amkar Photography is this. For a donation of at least $25 per portrait session, I'm now offering "before" and/or "after" portraits for those who wish to donate their tresses to Locks of Love (or other similar charity). Portrait proceeds (100%!) will be donated to St. Jude Children's Hospital for cancer research.

I hope we can transform vanity into charity and help some kiddos in need! Please check out my charity page for information on donating and setting up a portrait session.