Monday, February 25, 2013

Location Crusade: Indoor "Outdoor" Spots

As the date of a portrait session approaches, the most common question I get is "Do you have backup ideas in case of rain (or cold)?" Of course I do! My job is to locate stuff like this for you. As a matter of fact, I'm always on the lookout, and I occasionally update my location crusade blogs. I actually have an agenda now, as I begin encouraging engagement couples to shoot more in cold months to spread out the workload which overlaps spring and autumn weddings.

Digressing from my Indoor Downtown St. Louis post, my new indoor location preference highlights spaces I don't have to bring so much lighting equipment for, because these spaces are already lit by the outdoors: Greenhouses! Bringing the outdoors indoors. What a novelty. Here are my favorite ones.

Botanical Gardens: Linnean House
($8 garden admission, $4 if you're a St. Louis city resident)
Also, here's a family session and a baby session I shot at Linnean House. It's so colorful; great place for kids.

Botanical Gardens: Climatron
($8 garden admission, $4 if you're a St. Louis city resident)
About a block's walk from Linnean House. There are waterfalls! Temperature ranges 70-80 degrees during daytime, year round.

 Faust Park: Butterfly House
($6 admission)
There are butterflies! And waterfalls!

Faust Park: Carousel
($2 admission, separate from Butterfly House)
In case the butterflies freak you out.

Greenhouses are top choice indoor locales in my opinion, but I prefer nature and soft, diffused outdoor lighting. A thing to keep in mind, however, is that these spaces are not very private for the intimate appeal of engagement sessions, especially on weekends when floods of families are present. If that's a thought which affects you, I highly recommend shooting here on weekdays when you'd more or less have the whole place to yourself, save for a few elderly folks or an infrequent school field trip.

These locales can also work for bridal parties, although Botanical Gardens' policy won't allow parties or even bridal couples in for photography unless their wedding is booked at the gardens. Faust Park also offers wedding venue services, but I'm not sure what their policy is on bridal photography if your event is not held there.

Food for thought. Now we can beat Mother Nature during cold months and go for the greenhouse effect!